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Pascal/Delphi Source File
899 lines
Unit Xlib2;
║ ║
║ XLIB v2.0 - Graphics Library for Borland/Turbo Pascal 7.0 ║
║ ║
║ Tristan Tarrant - tristant@cogs.susx.ac.uk ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ Credits ║
║ ║
║ Themie Gouthas ║
║ ║
║ Matthew MacKenzie ║
║ ║
║ Tore Bastiansen ║
║ ║
║ Andy Tam ║
║ ║
║ Douglas Webb ║
║ ║
║ John Schlagel ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ I informally reserve all rights to the code in XLIB ║
║ Rights to contributed code is also assumed to be reserved by ║
║ the original authors. ║
║ ║
XLibPas v2.0 is a set of libraries and utilities that allow you to use some
extended features of the standard VGA adapter which are not exploited in
mode 13h. The most important features are :
- Use of all of the 256k of standard VGA memory
- Several tweaked resolutions, all in 256 colours
- Multiple pages, double- and triple-buffering, page flipping
and panning
- Split screen
- Planar, Video and Compiled bitmaps
- Drawing procedures (line,circle,pixel,boxes,filling,polygons)
- Text handling supporting user fonts
- Archiving and compression
- GIF/BMP encoding and decoding
- Bitmap scaling
- Virtual VSync handler
- Mouse routines
- Palette handling
- ...and (at long last) Protected Mode (experimental)}
Vertex = record
x, y : word;
AlignmentHeader = record
size, ImageWidth, ImageHeight : word;
alignments : array[0..3] of
ImagePtr, MaskPtr : word;
end; { Data structure for VBMs. See #XBm2# }
LBMHeader = record
width, height : byte;
PAlignmentHeader = ^AlignmentHeader;
XMode320x200 = 0; {320x200x256 colors - 4.0+ pages}
XMode320x240 = 1; {320x240x256 colors - 3.4+ pages - Square Pixels}
XMode360x200 = 2; {360x200x256 colors - 3.6+ pages}
XMode360x240 = 3; {360x240x256 colors - 3.0+ pages}
XMode376x282 = 4; {376x282x256 colors - 2.4+ pages - Square Pixels}
XMode320x400 = 5; {320x400x256 colors - 2.0+ pages}
XMode320x480 = 6; {320x480x256 colors - 1.7+ pages}
XMode360x400 = 7; {360x400x256 colors - 1.8+ pages}
XMode360x480 = 8; {360x480x256 colors - 1.5+ pages}
XMode360x360 = 9; {360x360x256 colors - 2.0+ pages}
XMode376x308 = 10; {376x308x256 colors - 2.2+ pages}
XMode376x564 = 11; {376x564x256 colors - 1.2+ pages}
XMode256x200 = 12; {256x200x256 colors - 5.1+ pages}
XMode256x240 = 13; {256x240x256 colors - 4.2+ pages}
XMode256x224 = 14; {256x224x256 colors - 4.5+ pages}
XMode256x256 = 15; {256x256x256 colors - 4.0 pages}
XMode360x270 = 16; {360x270x256 colors - 2.6+ pages - Square Pixels}
XMode400x300 = 17; {400x300x256 colors - 2.1+ pages - Square Pixels}
LastMode = 17; {Number of modes available}
RBackward = 0; {Rotate palette bacwards}
RForward = 1; {Rotate palette forwards}
InvalidXMode = -1; {Selected mode is invalid i.e. it does not exist}
Error = 1;
{ An error has occured while executing an XLib procedure or function }
LeftPressed = 1; {Left Mouse button is pressed}
RightPressed = 2; {Right Mouse button is pressed}
AlignData = 6;
ColumnMask : array[0..3] of byte =
( $11, $22, $44, $88 );
InitMouseDef : array[0..13] of byte =
InGraphics, {1 if in a graphics mode, 0 otherwise}
ErrorValue, {Set by every routine to indicate success or failure}
FontDriverActive, {Set after a call to xtextinit}
CharHeight, {Height of the current character set}
CharWidth, {Width of the current character set}
FirstChar, {First character in character set}
UserChHeight, {Height of the User Font}
UserChWidth, {Width of the User Font}
UserFirstCh, {First character in User's font}
DoubleScanFlag : Byte; {1 if mode is double-scanned, 0 otherwise}
CurrXMode, {Contains value of current graphics mode}
ScrnPhysicalByteWidth, {Physical width of the screen in bytes ( ie : group of 4 pixels )}
ScrnPhysicalPixelWidth, {Physical width of the screen in pixels}
ScrnPhysicalHeight, {Physical height of the screen in pixels}
SplitScrnOffs, {Offset in VRAM of Split Screen}
SplitScrnScanLine, {Screen Line where Split Screen is displayed}
SplitScrnVisibleHeight, {Height of the visible part of the split screen}
SplitScrnActive, {Contains 1 if SplitScreen is visible,0 otherwise}
Page0Offs, {Offset in VRAM of 1st page}
Page1Offs, {Offset in VRAM of 2nd page ( #XSetDoubleBuffer# )}
Page2Offs, {Offset in VRAM of 3rd page ( #XSetTripleBuffer# )}
ScrnLogicalByteWidth, {Width in bytes ( groups of 4 pixels ) of a page}
ScrnLogicalPixelWidth, {Width in pixels of a page}
ScrnLogicalHeight, {Height in pixels of a page}
MaxScrollX, {Maximum value for left edge of screen}
MaxScrollY, {Maximum value for top edge of screen}
DoubleBufferActive, {Set by #XSetDoubleBuffer#}
TripleBufferActive, {Set by #XSetTripleBuffer#}
VisiblePageIdx, {Number of the Visible Page}
HiddenPageOffs, {Offset of the Hidden page}
VisiblePageOffs, {Offset of the Visible page}
WaitingPageOffs, {Offset of the Waiting page}
NonVisualOffs, {Offset of start of unused VRAM}
TopClip, {Top clipping edge}
BottomClip,{Bottom clipping edge}
LeftClip, {Left clipping edge}
RightClip, {Right clipping edge}
PhysicalStartPixelX, {X coordinate of top left pixel}
PhysicalStartByteX, {X coordinate of top left pixel /4}
PhysicalStartY, {Y coordinate of top left pixel}
VsyncHandlerActive, {set to 1 if the VSync handler has been installed}
MouseRefreshFlag, {set to 1 if the mouse pointer needs refreshing}
StartAddressFlag, {if set to 0 then it's possible to #xpageflip#}
MouseInstalled, {set to 1 if the Mouse handler has been installed}
MouseHidden, {set to 1 if after a call to #XHideMouse#}
MouseButtonStatus, {information on the button presses}
MouseButtonCount, {the number of buttons on the mouse}
MouseX, {X coordinate of mouse pointer}
MouseY, {Y coordinate of mouse pointer}
ScreenSeg : word; {Segment/Selector of VRAM}
MouseFrozen, {set to 1 if you want to update the mouse manually}
MouseColor : byte; {color of the mouse pointer}
Function XSetMode( Mode, WidthInPixels : Word ) : Word;
{ Mode - The required mode
WidthInPixels - The width of the logical screen
This function initialises the graphics system, setting the apropriate
screen resolution and allocating a virtual screen. The virtual screen
allocated may not necessarily be of the same size as specified in the
WidthInPixels parameter as it is rounded down to the nearest
multiple of 4.
The function returns the actual width of the allocated virtual screen
in pixels if a valid mode was selected otherwise returns
Procedure XSelectDefaultPlane( Plane : Byte );
{ Enables default Read/Write access to a specified plane}
Procedure XSetSplitscreen( Line : Word );
{ line - The starting scan line of the required split screen.
This function activates Mode X split screen and sets starting scan line
The split screen resides on the bottom half of the screen and has a
starting address of A000:0000 in video RAM.
It also Updates Page0Offs to reflect the existence of the split screen
region ie MainScrnOffset is set to the offset of the first pixel
beyond the split screen region. Other variables set are #Page1Offs# which
is set to the same value as #Page0Offs# (see graphics call sequence below),
#ScrnLogicalHeight#,#ScrnPhysicalHeight#, #SplitScrnScanLine# and
This function cannot be called after double buffering has been activated,
it will return an error. To configure your graphics environment the
sequence of graphics calls is as follows although either or both steps b
and c may be omitted:
a) #XSetMode#
b) #XSetSplitScreen#
c) #XSetDoubleBuffer#
Thus when you call this function successfully, double buffering is not
active so #Page1Offs# is set to the same address as #Page0Offs#.
WARNING: If you use one of the high resolution modes (376x564 as an
extreme example) you may not have enough video ram for split screen
and double buffering options since VGA video RAM is restricted to 64K.}
Procedure XSetStartAddr( X, Y : Word );
{ X,Y - coordinates of top left corner of physical screen within current
virtual screen.
Set Mode X non split screen physical start address within current virtual
X must not exceed (Logical screen width - Physical screen width)
ie #MaxScrollX# and Y must not exceed (Logical screen height -
Physical screen height) ie #MaxScrollY#}
Procedure XHideSplitscreen;
{ This function hides an existing split screen by setting its starting
scan line to the last physical screen scan line.
ScreenPhysicalHeight is adjusted but the SplitScreenScanLine is not
altered as it is required for restoring the split screen at a later stage.
WARNING: Only to be used if #XSetSplitScreen# has been previously called
The memory for the initial split screen is reserved and the size
limitations of certain modes means any change in the split screen scan
line will encroach on the split screen ram.}
Procedure XShowSplitscreen;
{ Restores split screen start scan line to the initial split screen
starting scan line as set by #XSetSplitScreen#.
#ScreenPhysicalHeight# is adjusted.
WARNING: Only to be used if #XSetSplitScrnLine# has been previously called
The memory for the initial split screen is reserved and the size
limitations of certain modes means any change in the split screen scan
line will encroach on the split screen ram.}
Procedure XAdjustSplitscreen( Line : Word );
{ line - The scan line at which the split screen is to start.
Sets the split screen start scan line to a new scan line. Valid scan lines
are between the initial split screen starting scan line and the last
physical screen scan line. ScreenPhysicalHeight is also adjusted.
WARNING: Only to be used if #XSetSplitScreen# has been previously called
The memory for the initial split screen is reserved and the size
limitations of certain modes means any change in the split screen scan
line will encroach on the split screen ram.}
Procedure XSetDoubleBuffer( PageHeight : Word );
{ PageHeight - The height of the two double buffering virtual screens.
Returns - The closest possible height to the specified.
This function sets up two double buffering virtual pages. ErrorValue
is set according to the success or failure of this command.
Other variables set are:
#Page1Offs# - Offset of second virtual page
#NonVisualOffs# - Offset of first non visible video ram byte
#DoubleBufferActive# - Flag
#ScrnLogicalHeight# - Logical height of the double buffering pages
#MaxScrollY# - Max vertical start address of physical screen
within the virtual screen
WARNING: If you use one of the high resolution modes (376x564 as an
extreme example) you may not have enough video ram for split screen
and double buffering options since VGA video RAM for is restricted to
Procedure XSetTripleBuffer( PageHeight : word );
{ This procedure behaves like #XDoubleBuffer#, but when used with
#XInstallVSyncHandler# you can draw immediately after a page flip.
When #XPageFlip# is called, #VisiblePageOffs# is set to the page that
will be display next vsync. Until then, #WaitingPageOffs# will be displayed.
You can draw to #HiddenPageOffs#.}
Procedure XPageFlip( X, Y : Word );
{ X,Y - coordinates of top left corner of physical screen within the
the hidden virtual screen if double buffering is active, or
the current virtual screen otherwise.
Sets the physical screen start address within currently hidden virtual
page and then flips pages. If double buffering is not active then this
function is functionally equivalent to #XSetStartAddr#.
X must not exceed (Logical screen width - Physical screen width)
ie #MaxScrollX# and Y must not exceed (Logical screen height -
Physical screen height) ie #MaxScrollY#}
Procedure XSetClipRect( Left, Top, Right, Bottom : Word );
{ Defines the clipping rectangle for clipping versions of planar and video
bitmap puts.
NOTE: Compiled bitmaps cannot be clipped.}
Procedure XTextMode;
{ Disables graphics mode.}
Procedure XWaitVsync;
{ Waits for a vsync to occur : i.e. when the electron beam that's refreshing
the video image has reached the bottom of the screen.}
Procedure XLine( x1, y1, x2, y2, Color, PgOffs : word );
{ Draw a line with the specified end points in the page starting at
offset PgOffs.
No Clipping is performed.}
Procedure XPutPix( X,Y,PgOfs,Color:word );
{ Draw a point of specified colour at coordinates X,Y within the virtual page
starting at offset PgOfs.}
Function XGetPix( x,y,PageBase:word ) : word;
{ Read a point of at coordinates X,Y within the virtual page starting
at offset PageBase.}
Procedure XRectFill( StartX,StartY,EndX,EndY,PageBase,Color:word );
{ StartX,StartY - Coordinates of upper left hand corner of rectangle
EndX,EndY - Coordinates of lower right hand corner of rectangle
PageBase - Offset of virtual screen
Color - Color of the box.
Mode X rectangle fill routine. This procedure draw a rectangle with
upper left coordinates (StartX,StartY) and lower right coordinates
(EndX, Endy) at offset PageBase in color Color}
Procedure XRectPattern( StartX,StartY,EndX,EndY,PageBase:word; var Pattern);
{ StartX,StartY - Coordinates of upper left hand corner of rectangle
EndX,EndY - Coordinates of lower right hand corner of rectangle
PageBase - Offset of virtual screen
Pattern - Untyped variable for the user defined pattern (16 bytes)
Mode X rectangle 4x4 pattern fill routine.
Upper left corner of pattern is always aligned to a multiple-of-4
row and column. Works on all VGAs. Uses approach of copying the
pattern to off-screen display memory, then loading the latches with
the pattern for each scan line and filling each scan line four
pixels at a time. Fills up to but not including the column at EndX
and the row at EndY. No clipping is performed.
Warning the VGA memory locations PATTERNBUFFER (A000:FFFc) to
A000:FFFF are reserved for the pattern buffer}
Procedure XCpVidPage( SourceOffs, DestOffs : word );
{ SourceOffs - Offset of source video page
DestOffs - Offset of destination page
Copies the contents of page SourceOffs to DestOffs. Twice as fast as a
#XCpVidRect# would be (because it uses less parameters, so less stack work is
Procedure XCpVidRect( SrcStartX,SrcStartY,SrcEndX,SrcEndY,DestStartX,
DestBitmapW:word );
{ StartX,StartY - Coordinates of upper left hand corner of source rectangle
EndX,EndY - Coordinates of lower right hand corner of source rectangle
DestStartX,DestStartY - Coordinates of rectangle destination
SourcePageBase - source rectangle page offset
DestPageBase - destination rectangles page offset
SourceBitmapWidth - width of bitmap within the source virtual screen
containing the source rectangle
DestBitmapWidth - width of bitmap within the dest. virtual screen
containing the destination rectangle
Mode X display memory to display memory copy
routine. Left edge of source rectangle modulo 4 must equal left edge
of destination rectangle modulo 4. Works on all VGAs. Uses approach
of reading 4 pixels at a time from the source into the latches, then
writing the latches to the destination. Copies up to but not
including the column at SrcEndX and the row at SrcEndY. No
clipping is performed. Results are not guaranteed if the source and
destination overlap.
If you want to copy an entire page to another use #XCpVidPage# instead}
Procedure XShiftRect( SrcLeft,SrcTop,SrcRight,SrcBottom,DestLeft,DestTop,
ScreenOffs:word );
{ SrcLeft, SrcTop - Coordinates of upper left hand corner of rectangle
SrcRight, SrcBottom - Coordinates of lower right hand corner of rectangle
DestLeft, DestTop - Coordinates of upper left corner of destination
ScreenOffs - Offset of virtual screen
This function copies a rectangle of VRAM onto another area of VRAM,
even if the destination overlaps with the source. It is designed
for scrolling text up and down, and for moving large areas of screens
around in tiling systems. It rounds all horizontal coordinates to
the nearest byte (4-column chunk) for the sake of speed. This means
that it can NOT perform smooth horizontal scrolling. For that,
either scroll the whole screen (minus the split screen), or copy
smaller areas through system memory using the functions in the
#XBM2# module.
SrcRight is rounded up, and the left edges are rounded down, to
ensure that the pixels pointed to by the arguments are inside the
the rectangle. That is, SrcRight is treated as (SrcRight+3) >> 2,
and SrcLeft as SrcLeft >> 2.
The width of the rectangle in bytes (width in pixels / 4)
cannot exceed 255.}
Procedure XCircle( Left, Top, Diameter, Color, ScreenOffs:word );
{ Draws a circle with the given upper-left-hand corner and diameter,
which are given in pixels.}
Procedure XFilledCircle( Left, Top, Diameter, Color, ScreenOffs:word );
{ Draws a filled circle with the given upper-left-hand corner and
Procedure XGetPalStruc( var PalBuff; NumColors,StartColor:word );
{ Read DAC palette into annotated type buffer with interrupts disabled
ie byte colours to skip, byte colours to set, r1,g1,b1,r1,g2,b2...rn,gn,bn
WARNING: memory for the palette buffers must all be pre-allocated}
Procedure XGetPalRaw( Var PalBuff; NumColors,StartColor:word );
{ Read DAC palette into raw buffer with interrupts disabled
ie byte r1,g1,b1,r1,g2,b2...rn,gn,bn
WARNING: Memory for the palette buffers must all be pre-allocated.}
Procedure XPutPalStruc( Var CompPalBuff );
{ Write DAC palette from annotated type buffer with interrupts disabled
ie byte colours to skip, byte colours to set, r1,g1,b1,r1,g2,b2...rn,gn,bn}
Procedure XTransposePalStruc( Var CompPalBuff; StartColor:word );
{ Write DAC palette from annotated type buffer with interrupts disabled
starting at a new palette index.}
Procedure XPutPalRaw( Var PalBuff; NumColors,StartColor:word );
{ Write DAC palette from raw buffer with interrupts disabled
ie byte r1,g1,b1,r1,g2,b2...rn,gn,bn}
Procedure XSetRGB( ColorIndex,R,G,B:byte );
{ Set the RGB components of a vga color}
Procedure XRotPalStruc( Var PalBuff; Direction:word );
{ Rotate annotated palette buffer entries. Direction 0 = backward,
1 = forward.}
Procedure XRotPalRaw( Var PalBuff; Direction, NumColors:word );
{ Rotate a raw palette buffer. Direction 0 = backward,
1 = forward.}
Function XCpContrastPalStruc( Var PalSrcBuff,PalDestBuff; Intensity:byte ) : word;
{ Copy one annotated palette buffer to another making the intensity
adjustment. Used in fading in and out fast and smoothly.}
Procedure XPutContrastPalStruc( Var CompPalBuff; Intensity:byte );
{ Write DAC palette from annotated type buffer with specified intensity
adjustment (ie palette entries are decremented where possible by
intensity units).
Designed for fading in or out a palette without using an intermediate
working palette buffer ! (Slow but memory efficient ... OK for small
pal strucs)}
Function XCharPut( Chr:char; X, Y, ScrnOffs, Color:word ) : byte;
{ Draw a text character at the specified location with the specified
ch - char to draw
x,y - screen coords at which to draw ch
ScrnOffs - Starting offset of page on whih to draw
Color - Color of the text
WARNING: xtextinit must be called before using this function}
Procedure XSetFont( FontID : word );
{ Procedure xsetfont(FontId : word);
Select the working font where 0 = VGA ROM 8x8, 1 = VGA ROM 8x14
2 = User defined bitmapped font.
WARNING: A user font must be registered before setting FontID 2 by
using procedure #XRegisterUserFont#}
Procedure XTextInit;
{ Initializes the Mode X text driver and sets the default font (VGA ROM 8x8)}
Procedure XRegisterUserFont( var FontToRegister );
{ Register a user font for later selection. Only one user font can be
registered at any given time. Registering a user font deregisters the
previous user font. User fonts may be at most 8 pixels wide.
Word: ascii code of first char in font
Byte: Height of chars in font
Byte: Width of chars in font
n*h*Byte: the font data where n = number of chars and h = height
of chars
WARNING: The onus is on the program to ensure that all characters
drawn whilst this font is active, are within the range of
characters defined.}
Function XGetCharWidth( ch : char ) : byte;
{ Returns the width in pixels of character ch in the currently selected font.}
Function XPrintf( x, y, ScrnOffs, Color : word; s : string ) : integer;
{ x,y - screen coords at which to draw s
ScrnOffs - Starting offset of page on whih to draw
Color - Color of the text
s - The string to be displayed
Displays the string s at coordinates x,y on page ScrnOffs in Color.
Returns the width of the string in pixels.}
Function XBgPrintf( x, y, ScrnOffs, fgcolor, bgcolor : word; s : string ) : integer;
{ x,y - screen coords at which to draw s
ScrnOffs - Starting offset of page on whih to draw
fgcolor - Color of the text foreground
bgcolor - Color of the text background
s - The string to be displayed
Same as #XPrintf# but erases the background of the string with color bgcolor.}
Function XCentre( x, y, ScrnOffs, color : word; s : string ) : integer;
{ x,y - screen coords at which to draw s
ScrnOffs - Starting offset of page on whih to draw
color - Color of the text foreground
s - The string to be displayed
Same as #XPrintf# but centres the string with respect to x}
Function XBgCentre( x, y, ScrnOffs, fgcolor, bgcolor : word; s : string ) : integer;
{ x,y - screen coords at which to draw s
ScrnOffs - Starting offset of page on whih to draw
fgcolor - Color of the text foreground
bgcolor - Color of the text background
s - The string to be displayed
Same as #XCentre# but erases the background of the string with color bgcolor}
function XStrWidth( s : string ) : integer;
{ Returns the width in pixels of the string s}
Procedure XTriangle( X0, Y0, X1, Y1, X2, Y2, Color, PageOffset:word );
{ This function draws a filled triangle which is clipped to the current
clipping window defined by #TopClip#,#BottomClip#,#LeftClip#,#RightClip#.
Remember: the X clipping variable are in byteS not PIXELS so you can only
clip to 4 pixel byte boundaries.}
Procedure XPolygon( var vertices; numvertices, Color, PageOffset:word );
{ This function is similar to the triangle function but draws
convex polygons. The vertices are supplied as an array of vertices.
NOTE: a convex polygon is one such that if you draw a line from
any two vertices, every point on that line will be within the
This function works by splitting up a polygon into its component
triangles and calling the triangle routine above to draw each one.
Performance is respectable but a custom polygon routine might be
Procedure XPutCursor( X, Y, TopClip, BottomClip, ScrnOffs : word );
{ Display the mouse pointer at coordinated X,Y on page ScrnOffs}
Procedure XDefineMouseCursor( var MouseDef; MouseColor:byte );
{ MouseDef - a buffer of 14 characters containing a bitmask for all the
cursor's rows.
MouseColor - The colour to use when drawing the mouse cursor.
Define a mouse cursor shape for use in subsequent cursor redraws. XLib
has a hardwired mouse cursor size of 8 pixels across by 14 pixels down.
WARNING: This function assumes MouseDef points to 14 bytes.
Note: Bit order is in reverse. ie bit 7 represents pixel 0 ..
bit 0 represents pixel 7 in each MouseDef byte.}
function XMouseInit:integer;
{ Initialize the mouse driver functions and install the mouse event handler
function. This is the first function you must call before using any of the
mouse functions. This mouse code uses the fastest possible techniques to
save and restore mouse backgrounds and to draw the mouse cursor.
WARNING: This function uses and updates NonVisualOffset to allocate
video ram for the saved mouse background.
LIMITATIONS: No clipping is supported horizontally for the mouse cursor
No validity checking is performed for NonVisualOffs
**WARNING** You must Hide or at least Freeze the mouse cursor while drawing
using any of the other XLIB procedures since the mouse handler may
modify vga register settings at any time. VGA register settings
are not preserved which will result in unpredictable drawing behavior.
If you know the drawing will occur away from the mouse cursor set
#MouseFrozen# to 1, do your drawing then set it to 0.
Alternatively call #XHideMouse#, perform your drawing and then call
#XShowMouse#. Another alternative is to disable interrupts while drawing
but usually drawing takes up alot of time and having interrupts
disabled for too long is not a good idea.
If you are using the Virtual VSync Handler and just updating the palette
you don't need to freeze the mouse.}
Procedure XMouseWindow( x0, y0, x1, y1:word );
{ Defines a mouse window. The mouse can't move outside the boundaries
procedure XShowMouse;
{ Makes the cursor visible if it was previously hidden.
See also : #XHideMouse#}
Procedure XHideMouse;
{ Makes the cursor hidden if it was previously visible.
See also : #XShowMouse#}
Procedure XMouseRemove;
{ Stop mouse event handling and remove the mouse handler.
NOTE: This function MUST be called before quitting the program if
a mouse handler has been installed}
Procedure XPositionMouse( X, Y : word );
{ Positions the mouse at a specified location}
Procedure XUpdateMouse;
{ Forces the mouse position to be updated and cursor to be redrawn.
Note: this function is useful when you have set #MouseFrozen# to true.
Allows the cursor position to be updated manually rather than
automatically by the installed handler.}
Function XFloodFill( X, Y, PgOfs, Color:word ) : word;
{ This function performs the familiar flood filling used by many
paint programs and of course the Borland BGI's flood fill function.
The pixel at x,y and all adjacent pixels of the same color are filled
to the new color. Filling stops when there are no more adjacent pixels
of the original pixel's color. The function returns the number of
pixels that have been filled.}
Function XBoundaryFill( X, Y, PgOfs, BoundaryColor, Color : word ) : word;
{ This function is a variant of the flood fill described above. This
function, unlike the above function, can fill across color boundaries.
Filling stops when the area being filled is fully enclosed by pixels
of the color boundary. Again, this function returns the number of
pixels filled.}
Procedure XInstallVSyncHandler( VrtsToSkip : word );
{ This function installs the vsync handler using timer 0. It's called
about 100 microseconds before every vertical retrace.
The VrtsToSkip value (>=1) defines the delay in VRT's between consecutive
physical screen start address changes, thus allowing you to limit the
maximum frame rate for page flips in animation systems. The frame rate
is calculated as Vertical refresh rate / VrtsToSkip, eg for
320x240 mode which refreshes at 60Hz a VrtsToSkip value of 3 will result
in a maximum page flipping rate of 20Hz (frames per second)
WARNING: Be sure to remove it before exiting.
When used with a debugger, the system clock may speed up.
Procedure XRemoveVSyncHandler;
{ This routine MUST be called before exiting (or aborting) the program,
or your system will crash.}
Procedure XSetUserVSyncHandler( handler : pointer );
{ Installs a user routine to be called once each vertical retrace. The user
handler has its own stack of 256 bytes.
WARNING: This installs an interrupt driven handler, beware of the following:
Only 8086 registers are preserved. If you're using 386 code, save
all the 386 regs.
Don't do any drawing.
Don't call any DOS functions.
So why use it?
Well, you can update global variables if you're careful. And it's nice for
palette animation. You can even do fades while loading from disk. You
should use this instead of installing your own int08h routine and chain
to the original.}
VBMInfoStruc = record
Size, ImageWidth, ImageHeight : word;
VBMAlignmentStruc = record
ImagePtr, MaskPtr : word;
X320Y200 : array[0..4] of word =
( $0200, $0014, $E317, 320, 200 );
X320Y240 : array[0..12] of word =
( $0AE3, $0D06, $3E07, $4109, $EA10, $AC11, $DF12, $0014, $E715, $0616,
$E317, 320, 240 );
X360Y200 : array[0..10] of word =
( $08E7, $6B00, $5901, $5A02, $8E03, $5E04, $8A05, $0014, $E317, 360,
200 );
X360Y240 : array[0..19] of word =
( $11E7, $6b00, $5901, $5A02, $8E03, $5E04, $8A05, $0D06, $3E07, $4109,
$EA10, $AC11, $DF12, $2D13, $0014, $E715, $0616, $E317, 360, 240 );
X376Y282 : array[0..20] of word =
( $12E7, $6e00, $5d01, $5e02, $9103, $6204, $8f05, $6206, $f007, $6109,
$310f, $3710, $8911, $3312, $2f13, $0014, $3C15, $5C16, $e317, 376,
282 );
X256Y400 : array[0..11] of word =
( $08E3, $5f00, $3f01, $4202, $9f03, $4c04, $0005, $4009, $0014, $E317,
256, 400 );
X256Y480 : array[0..18] of word =
( $10e3, $5f00, $3f01, $4202, $9f03, $4c04, $0005, $0d06, $3e07, $4009,
$ea10, $ac11, $df12, $0014, $e715, $0616, $e317, 256, 480 );
X320Y400 : array[0..5] of word =
( $03e3, $4009, $0014, $e317, 320, 400 );
X320Y480 : array[0..12] of word =
( $0AE3, $0D06, $3E07, $4009, $EA10, $AC11, $DF12, $0014, $E715, $0616,
$E317, 320, 480 );
X360Y400 : array[0..11] of word =
( $09E7, $6B00, $5901, $5A02, $8E03, $5E04, $8A05, $4009, $0014, $E317,
360, 400 );
X360Y480 : array[0..19] of word =
( $11E7, $6B00, $5901, $5A02, $8E03, $5E04, $8A05, $0D06, $3E07, $4009,
$EA10, $AC11, $DF12, $2D13, $0014, $E715, $0616, $E317, 360, 480 );
X360Y360 : array[0..17] of word =
( $0FE7, $6b00, $5901, $5A02, $8E03, $5E04, $8A05, $4009, $8810, $8511,
$6712, $2D13, $0014, $6D15, $BA16, $E317, 360, 360 );
X376Y308 : array[0..20] of word =
( $12E7, $6E00, $5D01, $5E02, $9103, $6204, $8F05, $6206, $0F07, $4009,
$310F, $3710, $8911, $3312, $2F13, $0014, $3C15, $5C16, $E317, 376,
308 );
X376Y564 : array[0..20] of word =
( $12E7, $6E00, $5D01, $5E02, $9103, $06204, $8F05, $6206, $F007, $6109,
$310F, $3710, $8911, $3312, $2F13, $0014, $3C15, $5C16, $E317, 376,
564 );
X256Y200 : array[0..10] of word =
( $08e3, $5f00, $3f01, $4202, $9f03, $4c04, $0005, $0014, $e317, 256,
200 );
X256Y240 : array[0..18] of word =
( $10e3, $5f00, $3f01, $4202, $9f03, $4c04, $0005, $0d06, $3e07, $4109,
$ea10, $ac11, $df12, $0014, $e715, $0616, $e317, 256, 240 );
X256Y224 : array[0..20] of word =
( $12e3, $5f00, $3f01, $4202, $8203, $4a04, $9a05, $0b06, $3e07, $0008,
$4109, $da10, $9c11, $bf12, $2013, $0014, $c715, $0416, $e317, 256,
224 );
X256Y256 : array[0..20] of word =
( $12e3, $5f00, $3f01, $4002, $8203, $4a04, $9a05, $2306, $b207, $0008,
$6109, $0a10, $ac11, $ff12, $2013, $0014, $0715, $1a16, $e317, 256,
256 );
X360Y270 : array[0..20] of word =
( $12e7, $6b00, $5901, $5a02, $8e03, $5e04, $8a05, $3006, $f007, $0008,
$6109, $2010, $a911, $1b12, $2d13, $0014, $1f15, $2f16, $e317, 360,
270 );
X400Y300 : array[0..20] of word =
( $12a7, $7100, $6301, $6402, $9203, $6504, $8205, $4606, $1f07, $0008,
$4009, $3110, $8011, $2b12, $3213, $0014, $2f15, $4416, $e317, 400,
300 );
ModeTable : array[0..17] of word =
( Ofs(X320Y200[0]), Ofs(X320Y240[0]), Ofs(X360Y200[0]), Ofs(X360Y240[0]),
Ofs(X376Y282[0]), Ofs(X320Y400[0]), Ofs(X320Y480[0]), Ofs(X360Y400[0]),
Ofs(X360Y480[0]), Ofs(X360Y360[0]), Ofs(X376Y308[0]), Ofs(X376Y564[0]),
Ofs(X256Y200[0]), Ofs(X256Y240[0]), Ofs(X256Y224[0]), Ofs(X256Y256[0]),
Ofs(X360Y270[0]), Ofs(X400Y300[0]) );
MirrorTable : array[0..255] of byte =
( 0,128, 64,192, 32,160, 96,224, 16,144, 80,208, 48,176,112,240,
8,136, 72,200, 40,168,104,232, 24,152, 88,216, 56,184,120,248,
4,132, 68,196, 36,164,100,228, 20,148, 84,212, 52,180,116,244,
12,140, 76,204, 44,172,108,236, 28,156, 92,220, 60,188,124,252,
2,130, 66,194, 34,162, 98,226, 18,146, 82,210, 50,178,114,242,
10,138, 74,202, 42,170,106,234, 26,154, 90,218, 58,186,122,250,
6,134, 70,198, 38,166,102,230, 22,150, 86,214, 54,182,118,246,
14,142, 78,206, 46,174,110,238, 30,158, 94,222, 62,190,126,254,
1,129, 65,193, 33,161, 97,225, 17,145, 81,209, 49,177,113,241,
9,137, 73,201, 41,169,105,233, 25,153, 89,217, 57,185,121,249,
5,133, 69,197, 37,165,101,229, 21,149, 85,213, 53,181,117,245,
13,141, 77,205, 45,173,109,237, 29,157, 93,221, 61,189,125,253,
3,131, 67,195, 35,163, 99,227, 19,147, 83,211, 51,179,115,243,
11,139, 75,203, 43,171,107,235, 27,155, 91,219, 59,187,123,251,
7,135, 71,199, 39,167,103,231, 23,151, 87,215, 55,183,119,247,
15,143, 79,207, 47,175,111,239, 31,159, 95,223, 63,191,127,255 );
PelPanMask : array[0..3] of byte =
( 0, 2, 4, 6 );
LeftClipPlaneMask : array[0..3] of byte =
( $0F, $0E, $0C, $08 );
RightClipPlaneMask : array[0..3] of byte =
( $0F, $01, $03, $07 );
LeftMaskTable : array[0..8] of byte =
( 0, $ff, $ee, 0, $cc, 0, 0, 0, $88 );
RightMaskTable: array[0..8] of byte =
( 0, $11, $33, 0, $77, 0, 0, 0, $ff );
LeftDelay : array[0..3] of byte =
( 0, 1, 2, 4 );
RightDelay : array[0..3] of byte =
( 0, 4, 2, 1 );
PS2Cards : array[0..12] of byte = ( 0,1,2,2,4,3,2,5,6,2,8,7,8 );
WhenToDraw : array[0..31] of byte = ( 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 3,
2, 3, 3, 4, 1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 4, 2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5 );
OldTimerIntVar : pointer;
MouseMask : array[0..167] of byte;
VSyncPaletteBuffer : array[0..767] of byte;
SelectorInc : word;
inhandler : byte;
procedure __a000h; far; external 'KERNEL' index $00AE;
procedure __c000h; far; external 'KERNEL' index $00C3;
procedure __AHIncr; far; external 'KERNEL' index $0072;
procedure __0000h; far; external 'KERNEL' index $00B7;
Function XSetMode( Mode, WidthInPixels : Word ) : Word; external;
Procedure XSelectDefaultPlane( Plane : Byte ); external;
Procedure XSetSplitscreen( Line : Word ); external;
Procedure XSetStartAddr( X, Y : Word ); external;
Procedure XHideSplitscreen; external;
Procedure XShowSplitscreen; external;
Procedure XAdjustSplitscreen( Line : Word ); external;
Procedure XSetDoubleBuffer( PageHeight : Word ); external;
Procedure XSetTripleBuffer( PageHeight : word ); external;
Procedure XPageFlip( X, Y : Word ); external;
Procedure XSetClipRect( Left, Top, Right, Bottom : Word ); external;
Procedure XTextMode; external;
Procedure XWaitVsync; external;
Procedure XLine( x1, y1, x2, y2, Color, PgOffs : word ); external;
Procedure XPutPix( X,Y,PgOfs,Color:word ); external;
Function XGetPix( x,y,PageBase:word ) : word; external;
Procedure XRectFill( StartX,StartY,EndX,EndY,PageBase,Color:word ); external;
Procedure XRectPattern( StartX,StartY,EndX,EndY,PageBase:word; var Pattern); external;
Procedure XCpVidPage( SourceOffs, DestOffs : word ); external;
Procedure XCpVidRect( SrcStartX,SrcStartY,SrcEndX,SrcEndY,DestStartX,
DestBitmapW:word ); external;
Procedure XShiftRect( SrcLeft,SrcTop,SrcRight,SrcBottom,DestLeft,DestTop,
ScreenOffs:word ); external;
Procedure XCircle( Left, Top, Diameter, Color, ScreenOffs:word ); external;
Procedure XFilledCircle( Left, Top, Diameter, Color, ScreenOffs:word ); external;
Procedure XGetPalStruc( var PalBuff; NumColors,StartColor:word ); external;
Procedure XGetPalRaw( Var PalBuff; NumColors,StartColor:word ); external;
Procedure XPutPalStruc( Var CompPalBuff ); external;
Procedure XTransposePalStruc( Var CompPalBuff; StartColor:word ); external;
Procedure XPutPalRaw( Var PalBuff; NumColors,StartColor:word ); external;
Procedure XSetRGB( ColorIndex,R,G,B:byte ); external;
Procedure XRotPalStruc( Var PalBuff; Direction:word ); external;
Procedure XRotPalRaw( Var PalBuff; Direction, NumColors:word ); external;
Function XCpContrastPalStruc( Var PalSrcBuff,PalDestBuff; Intensity:byte ) : word; external;
Procedure XPutContrastPalStruc( Var CompPalBuff; Intensity:byte ); external;
Function XCharPut( Chr:char; X, Y, ScrnOffs, Color:word ) : byte; external;
Procedure XSetFont( FontID : word ); external;
Procedure XTextInit; external;
Procedure XRegisterUserFont( var FontToRegister ); external;
Function XGetCharWidth( ch : char ) : byte; external;
Procedure XTriangle( X0, Y0, X1, Y1, X2, Y2, Color, PageOffset:word ); external;
Procedure XPolygon( var vertices; numvertices, Color, PageOffset:word ); external;
Procedure XPutCursor( X, Y, TopClip, BottomClip, ScrnOffs : word ); external;
Procedure XDefineMouseCursor( var MouseDef; MouseColor:byte ); external;
function XMouseInit:integer; external;
Procedure XMouseWindow( x0, y0, x1, y1:word ); external;
procedure XShowMouse; external;
Procedure XHideMouse; external;
Procedure XMouseRemove; external;
Procedure XPositionMouse( X, Y : word ); external;
Procedure XUpdateMouse; external;
Function XFloodFill( X, Y, PgOfs, Color:word ) : word; external;
Function XBoundaryFill( X, Y, PgOfs, BoundaryColor, Color : word ) : word; external;
Procedure XInstallVSyncHandler( VrtsToSkip:word ); external;
Procedure XRemoveVSyncHandler; external;
Procedure XSetUserVSyncHandler; external;
function XPrintf( x, y, ScrnOffs, Color : word; s : string ) : integer;
w, i : integer;
w := x;
for i := 1 to length(s) do
x:=x+XCharPut( s[i], x, y, ScrnOffs, color );
XPrintf := x-w+1;
function XStrWidth( s : string ) : integer;
w, i : integer;
w := 0;
for i := 1 to length(s) do
w:=w+XGetCharWidth( s[i] );
XStrWidth := w;
function XBgPrintf( x, y, ScrnOffs, fgcolor, bgcolor : word; s : string ) : integer;
i : integer;
for i := 1 to length(s) do
XRectFill( x, y, x+XGetCharWidth(s[i]),y+CharHeight,ScrnOffs,bgcolor);
x := x + XCharPut( s[i], x, y, ScrnOffs, fgcolor);
XBgPrintf := x;
Function XCentre( x, y, ScrnOffs, color : word; s : string ) : integer;
w, i : integer;
w := 0;
for i := 1 to length(s) do
w:=w+XGetCharWidth( s[i] );
x := x-w div 2;
xprintf( x, y, ScrnOffs, color, s );
xcentre := x;
Function XBgCentre( x, y, ScrnOffs, fgcolor, bgcolor : word; s : string ) : integer;
w, i : integer;
w := 0;
for i := 1 to length(s) do
w:=w+XGetCharWidth( s[i] );
x := x-w div 2;
xbgprintf( x, y, ScrnOffs, fgcolor, bgcolor, s );
xbgcentre := x;